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Friday, May 3, 2013

Interview with Bret Von Dehl. XD

So I thought I would try something different for this post. I interviewed one of my favorite vocalists through email and thought I would post it here. :) Enjoy!!!!

Jaelynn Anderson: So for anyone who doesn’t already know, why don’t you tell them who you are?

Bret Von Dehl: I'm Bret Von Dehl and I sing in a Rock N Roll band called "The Relapse Symphony".

JA: How did you come up with your band name and music style?

BVD: Me and JC (JC Charles, guitarist) came up with a name that was symbolic of our attitudes and what Rock N Roll meant to us, it's controlled chaos. "Relapse" having a dark and negative connotation and "Symphony"...Beautiful, structured music. It's a yin and yang of sorts.

JA: Who are your absolute top 3 favorite artists?

BVD: Me personally, Axl Rose, Iggy Pop and Stiv Bators.

JA: If you could only listen to one album forever, what would it be?

BVD:  Man, that's SO hard. Probably our upcoming full-length.

JA: What’s your opinion on fans writing fanfiction about you or your band?

 BVD: I love that they are being creative! In a society that's so obsessed with sitting around creeping on Facebook and Twitter profiles, it's amazing to see kids who are still putting their minds and creativity to work! Also, the fact that they are putting work into writing something about my band is extremely flattering!

JA: Would you rather crush on someone or be the one being crushed on?

BVD:  Be the one crushed on because having a crush for me sucks...I'm painfully shy and I never hit on girls so, if I have a crush on you and you never talk to me, chances are you'll never know!

JA: Energy drinks or soda pop?

BVD: Hmm...I'm not a huge fan of either. I'm gonna go with energy drinks though.

JA: Espresso or decaf?

BVD: Don't drink either.

JA: Favorite meal to eat on the road?

BVD: Subway! It's relatively cheap, and it's A LOT better for you than eating something shitty like McDonalds everyday! You gotta be careful what you eat out there, you can get sick REALLY easy!

JA: What’s the one thing people would be surprised to find on your music player?

BVD: Hmm...I get tons of questions about my T.Swift (Taylor Swift) shirt I wore in a photo. People are surprised by that. I like T. Swift a lot. I wear my influences on my sleeve though. Everything I like I tend to talk about often, haha.

JA: What’s your favorite thing about being onstage and performing?

BVD: I feel so comfortable. There's no place i'd rather be than performing...The energy from the crowd and getting to physically show them our songs performance-wise!

JA: Worst lie you've ever told?

BVD: I don't really lie all that much...I have, everyone has...But, I've lied about little, dumb things that aren't very memorable haha.

JA: IPhone or Android?

BVD: I have an Android at the moment.

JA: Out of today’s up and coming bands, who would you most likely recommend to someone?

BVD: The Relapse Symphony. :)

JA: How often do you find the time to use social networking? I know you guys manage your own profiles and page, but how often are you able to log on?

BVD: We try to get on as much as possible. It gets hard sometimes but, I'm usually on like twice a day for about 20 minutes or so. We try REALLY hard to talk to all of our fans and show them gratitude for supporting us because they really deserve it!

JA: What’s your advice to any aspiring musicians out there or people who are up-and-coming?

BVD: I'd say do something you believe in and chase it for as long as you possibly can, things can get discouraging and difficult at times but, you can make it if you don't gotta hang in there!

JA: Coolest gift you have ever received from a fan?

BVD: I love when fans make me stuff, like bracelets and necklaces or art or anything like that! I always wear that stuff too!

JA: Thanks so much for letting me interview you and I hope you have a great day!!!
BVD: Thanks so much for your questions! :)

I can't tell you guys how much fun this was and such an honor and privilege to interview Mr. Bret Von Dehl. They currently have an EP available for download on ITunes that is super amazing called Panic! (Times Running Out) and it's also available through their website. They are also in the process of recording their first album. Follow all the action with the band on Twitter! @bretvondehl, @AlexFoxx13, @JCCharles8, @TylerGloyd, @brandonkilexxx and @RelapseSymphony! Also while ou are at it, go watch the recently released music video for Panic. :)

Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a great day!!!!!